Access Bars as a way of gifting and receiving is such a beautiful space when being in a class with the entire families. My so n, Isaias and I are both truly grateful for the gift of knowing and possibilities with receiving more in our lives. What would it be like for more of the generosity of being to be a way of living in the world?
Here’s a mini-podcast series about my adventure with discovering the gift of bars and the journey with Access Consciousness so far.
Access Consciousness Bars is a dynamic and gentle hands-on body process that is a gift for creating your life and can also alleviates stress, anxiety and depression by touching 32 points on the head.
We have the possibility to have more ease, peace and possibilities beyond the heaviness, solidity and pain and suffering. I know not everyone chooses lightness and this is a space for you to explore lightness and joy, if you choose.
Here’s a glimpse into what the Access Bars have created and deleted in my life and the new flow that enables everything as a magical life adventure.
Here’s the link to the upcoming Global Bars Day Event January 15, 2022
For more information about the Access Bars visit
For more about the Access Bars, listen to this podcast episode with Shannon O’Hara and Lisa Hendriksen :